Australian sentenced to death in China for drugs

SYDNEY: An Australian man has been sentenced to death in China, authorities said on Saturday, a development that could further escalate tensions between the two countries. Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said it was providing consular assistance to the man, without identifying him.
Australian and Chinese media have identified the man as Cam Gillespie, arrested seven years ago on charges of drug trafficking in southern China. China’s foreign ministry said on Sunday capital punishment was suitable for drug crimes that cause serious harm.
“China law stipulates that the law must be equally applied to everyone who commits a crime. China judicial institutions handle the cases of criminals of all nationalities according to the law,” said the ministry in a faxed reply to Reuters.
Attempts to reach Gillespie’s family were unsuccessful. “We are deeply saddened to hear of the verdict made in his case,” the Australian foreign affairs department said in an emailed statement to media.
“Australia opposes the death penalty, in all circumstances for all people. We support the universal abolition of the death penalty and are committed to pursuing this goal through all the avenues available to us.”