Azerbaijan ably steered NAM in tough times: Pakistan envoy

BAKU: Azerbaijan has ably steered the Non-Aligned Movement during these difficult times and provided leadership for developing countries who are increasingly beset by health, humanitarian and economic challenges arising from COVID-19 pandemic, Bilal Hayee, Ambassador-designate of Pakistan to Azerbaijan told.
“Pakistan attaches great importance to brotherly relations with Azerbaijan. President of Pakistan Dr. Arif Alvi led Pakistan’s delegation to the 18th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) held in October 2019. On the sidelines, President of Pakistan also met H.E. President of Azerbaijan. Pakistan congratulates the President of Azerbaijan on his timely initiative and successful convening of the Non-Aligned Movement’s Summit-level Contact Group meeting on 4 May 2020. President of Pakistan participated in the Online Summit meeting convened to discuss implications arising from COVID-19. We also greatly appreciate the proposal by the President of Azerbaijan to convene a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on COVID-19 pandemic. We are pleased to note that Azerbaijan has been entrusted with co-chairing this important Special Session of the General Assembly. Pakistan continues to support this initiative and NAM Chair and would actively participate at the Special Session,” he said.
Hayee noted that Pakistan stands ready to contribute to NAM initiative of strengthening international response to COVID-19 pandemic.
“Both Azerbaijan and Pakistan believe in multilateralism and international cooperation. Bandung Principles are even more relevant today than ever, as multilateralism is the only way forward to meet today’s global challenges. We are gratified to note that despite the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, Azerbaijan, as NAM Chair has made efforts to strengthen the work of NAM. Under the able stewardship of President of Azerbaijan, the Non-Aligned Movement has strengthened its work for the promotion of the interests of its Member States. This is manifested through Azerbaijan’s initiatives at the United Nations and the NAM. Pakistan and Azerbaijan enjoy commonality of views on range of issues. Both countries closely coordinate at the United Nations and other multilateral forums including NAM. Pakistan supported Azerbaijan’s proposal to convene a Special Session of the UN General Assembly devoted to discuss implications of COVID-19 especially on developing countries.Similarly, Azerbaijan supported Prime Minister Imran Khan’s appeal to the international community for a “Global Initiative on Debt Relief”. Pakistan also appreciates Azerbaijan for kind gesture of support to developing countries in fighting COVID-19 outbreak (Azerbaijan had also donated USD 1 million to Pakistan in May 2020),” said the envoy.
Hayee went on to add that as the largest grouping of countries at the international level (with 120 Member States), Non-Aligned Movement has great relevance and role to play in the international system especially at the United Nations.–Agencies