Azerbaijan holds Webinar on victory against Armenia

BAKU: The Executive Secretariat of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) Wednesday held a video conference on “A great victory in the Great Patriotic War: a look at the future of Azerbaijan and the region.”
Speaking at the video conference, Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman-Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov said the event was held on the eve of a significant day, the YAP press service told media. Ali Ahmadov congratulated President Ilham Aliyev on his birthday on December 24 and wished him every success in his future endeavors.
Ali Ahmadov said that the great achievements in the life and history of Azerbaijan make every citizen happy. The sustainable development of Azerbaijan since 2003 under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the rapid growth of the economy, the modernization of the country, the radical transformation of its image, the holding of prestigious international events in Baku are the results of successful policy.
The Deputy Prime Minister noted that it is impossible not to celebrate the historic victory in the 44-day war. Azerbaijan’s victory in the Great Patriotic War is one of the most important events in our history. This victory will be written in golden letters in our history. As a result, now every citizen of our country is proud to be Azerbaijani. Another aspect that defines this historic victory is that it was achieved on the battlefield at the cost of blood and life. Undoubtedly, by winning this victory, Azerbaijan has written a golden page of its history, a page of honor and dignity.
The deputy chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party said that the decisive factor in our great victory is the name of President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The state, the people and the army become strong when they are led by a strong leader. In this sense, the main hero of our victory, which is celebrated with great enthusiasm by the people of Azerbaijan today, is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev. –Agencies
We have seen the leadership and leadership of President Ilham Aliyev on the military and diplomatic fronts. The unity of our people, our state, our endless trust in the head of our state resulted in our victory. Against the background of all this, our lands, which were occupied by Armenia for several years and occupied for 30 years, were liberated from occupation in 44 days. Ali Ahmadov stressed that this victory not only brings peace to Azerbaijan, but also creates a reliable basis for peace and prosperity in the South Caucasus.
Speaking at the event, Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said that November 8, 2020 entered the history of independent Azerbaijan in golden letters. The military occupation of Azerbaijani territories by neighboring Armenia, which lasted for almost thirty years, has ended. From the first days of independence, we have raised our voices in the international arena for many years about this occupation and its grave consequences, ethnic cleansing and illegal activities in our occupied territories, and called on the international community to take a firm stand to end this occupation.
The Minister said that during these years, the truth about the conflict was voiced at all international events, the historical, legal, political and economic aspects of the issue, as well as Azerbaijan’s just position based on international law were constantly highlighted: “As a result of continuous work, all leading international organizations has unequivocally supported its sovereignty and territorial integrity within its recognized borders. In response to the next military provocation of Armenia on September 27, a counter-offensive was launched by order of President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, and as a result of the bravery and heroism of our brave Army, part of our territory, including 5 cities, 4 settlements and 286 the village was liberated from occupation. Thus,
Jeyhun Bayramov noted that during the military operations, many countries and international organizations have taken a position that meets the interests of Azerbaijan. While supporting Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, Turkey’s exceptional role among countries demanding the withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied territories and condemning the attacks on Azerbaijan, as well as solidarity with Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Djibouti and Libya can be emphasized. The same approach has been demonstrated by the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Cooperation Council of Turkic States.
Jeyhun Bayramov said that the joint statement of November 10 marked a new stage in the region, the stage of reconstruction and restoration, the stage of ensuring peaceful coexistence. we did. What is this new reality? First of all, decades of occupation of Azerbaijani territories were ended and Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity was restored. With the return of IDPs to their homes, the fundamental rights of people whose right to live in their homes have been violated have been exercised for many years. The opening of all transport routes in the region and the recovery of the economy will create opportunities for increasing economic and trade turnover between North and South, East and West and strengthening the role of our country in this regard.
The Azerbaijani side is determined to re-integrate Armenian citizens living in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan into the social and economic space of the country, ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens of our country, regardless of ethnic and religious affiliation, equally and without discrimination. In this regard, the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan provides an appropriate legal framework. Our views on the future development, restoration and reconstruction of the region were openly expressed by the head of state, and statements were made on the establishment of a new cooperation platform in the region. Such a framework of cooperation and collaboration, of course, can be beneficial for all countries in the region. The framework of cooperation can form multilateral cooperation platforms with the participation of regional states. The model of future development of the region presented by the President at a joint press briefing with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on December 10 clearly reflected the vision for the new post-victory period: the traditional Turkish-Azerbaijani-Georgian cooperation, as well as Azerbaijan-Russia-Iran, There are also Turkish-Russian-Iranian cooperation frameworks. We can summarize all these cooperation platforms and present them as a single platform. If the Armenian leadership draws the right conclusions from the war and gives up its baseless claims and looks to the future with common sense, then they can have a place on this platform. Thus, the risk of war in the region in the future can be reduced to zero. The model of future development of the region presented by the President at a joint press briefing with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on December 10 clearly reflected the vision for the new post-victory period: the traditional Turkish-Azerbaijani-Georgian cooperation, as well as Azerbaijan-Russia-Iran, There are also Turkish-Russian-Iranian cooperation frameworks. We can summarize all these cooperation platforms and present them as a single platform. If the Armenian leadership draws the right conclusions from the war and gives up its baseless claims and looks to the future with common sense, then they can have a place on this platform. Thus, the risk of war in the region in the future can be reduced to zero. The model of future development of the region presented by the President at a joint press briefing with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on December 10 clearly reflected the vision for the new post-victory period: the traditional Turkish-Azerbaijani-Georgian cooperation, as well as Azerbaijan-Russia-Iran, There are also Turkish-Russian-Iranian cooperation frameworks. We can summarize all these cooperation platforms and present them as a single platform. If the Armenian leadership draws the right conclusions from the war and gives up its baseless claims and looks to the future with common sense, then they can have a place on this platform. Thus, the risk of war in the region in the future can be reduced to zero.
The Foreign Minister noted that today we have already started implementing concrete projects, including multimodal transit projects and large-scale infrastructure projects: “All relevant steps will be taken to restore all liberated areas and ensure the normal life of our citizens in these areas. The construction of the Fuzuli-Shusha highway and the Barda-Agdam railway has already begun at the expense of relevant funds allocated from the President’s reserve fund. We believe that all these and future projects will bring new life to the region. All relevant organizations, including the relevant UN agencies, intending to contribute to peace and stability in the region in the reconstruction and reconstruction work, as well as the provision of humanitarian assistance to IDPs returning to their homes, as well as ready to work with individual states. We can achieve a peaceful, secure and prosperous future only through mutual determination, especially respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states and mutual compliance with international obligations related to the inviolability of internationally recognized borders.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that our efforts will continue to develop cooperation in the interests of bilateral and multilateral relations, based on the principles of mutual respect and equality, the involvement of friendly countries and partner international organizations in the restoration of the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. will focus on strengthening Azerbaijan’s political and economic position in the international arena. On the basis of the decisive, far-sighted and successful policy of President Ilham Aliyev, our efforts will continue in the direction of sustainable development of our country and strengthening its regional and global role.
In his speech, First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Majlis Ali Huseynli said that time has shown that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can be resolved only as a result of Heydar Aliyev’s policy. President Ilham Aliyev demonstrated his commitment to this policy and managed to solve the problem. With this victory, President Ilham Aliyev made history as a great commander.
Speaking about the history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the processes in the first years of the problem, Ali Huseynli recalled that at that time there was instability in the country. Especially in the first days after the AXC-Musavat duo came to power illegally, the strategically important Lachin region was occupied. Thus, a geographical connection was established between the occupying Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. With the occupation of Kalbajar in April 1993, this geographical connection was further expanded. In the summer of that year, the deepening political crisis in the country laid the groundwork for the expansion of the occupation of our lands. In this case, at the call of the Azerbaijani people, the great leader Heydar Aliyev returned to power. Stability was established in the republic in a short time. In November 1993, with the appeal of the great leader Heydar Aliyev to the people, people took up arms and began to fight to prevent the Armenian occupation. As a result, part of our occupied lands was liberated. With the signing of the ceasefire in 1994, a major stage in the development of our country, as well as in army building, began.
According to the First Vice-Speaker, during this period, our Great Leader pursued an active policy in the diplomatic sphere. As a result, international organizations have adopted documents recognizing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. This process became even more widespread during the presidency of President Ilham Aliyev. Of course, these documents created a legal basis for the military liberation of our lands.
According to Ali Huseynli, the restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity today is an event equal to the restoration of our independence in 1991. Noting that at a new stage, new opportunities for new cooperation have opened up in the region, the First Vice Speaker said that Armenia should use this historic opportunity. As for the threats, Ali Huseynli said that the Armenian lobby and pro-Armenian circles in the West are more concerned about Azerbaijan’s victory. But the new platform for cooperation in the region will not pose a problem for relations with the West and European countries. According to him, no force can hinder Azerbaijan-EU relations.
Rector of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics Adalat Muradov spoke about the economic potential of the liberated territories. He announced the main goals and objectives for the transformation of Karabakh into a regional innovation center, and made proposals in this area in the areas of infrastructure, institutional and scientific-educational.
The rector noted that the model of economic development defined by the President has been formed and the economy in the liberated territories will be based on the basic principles of that model. According to the relevant order of the President, a State Commission was established to assess and eliminate the damage to the liberated territories, and restoration work is underway in those areas.
Noting that there are regions and areas in need of investment in the country’s economy, the rector said that the Karabakh economy is a favorable and irreplaceable chance for the future sustainable and sustainable development of Azerbaijan in this regard. Professor A.Muradov stressed that the development of the State Program “Digital Karabakh”, the creation of new higher education institutions in Karabakh that meet modern requirements, as well as the establishment of a model of “Smart City” in Shusha, the symbol of Karabakh.
Vusal Gasimli, executive director of the Center for Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication, said that Azerbaijan is currently implementing a post-conflict building strategy under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. This development strategy will be implemented through the reintegration of the liberated territories and their integration into value chains. According to him, as stated by the President, the new cooperation platform will be of great benefit to the peoples of the region. Along with the projects implemented in the region, Gasimli stressed the importance of the implementation of new projects after the conflict and presented it with slides. The Executive Director stressed the importance of future transport and energy projects. According to him, the development of Armenia depends on cooperation with Azerbaijan and Turkey.
Gasimli said that as a result of the work done in the liberated territories, the country’s agriculture is expected to grow by 10.4 percent, mining by 5.3 percent, processing by 4.3 percent and tourism by 5.5 percent. In general, this factor will be observed in GDP growth by 3 percent and in the non-oil sector by 5.1 percent.