Azerbaijan supports President Ilham Aliyev on military

BAKU: One of the priority directions of activity of Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev is an army building, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Center for Social Research, Elshad Mirbashiroglu said.
Mirbashiroglu made the remark at a briefing on the public presentation of the third edition of the Trust Index, which reflects the activities of the President of Azerbaijan in the second quarter of 2020 (from April through June), and a report on a public opinion poll on the topic “Anti-crisis policy of the state in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in public opinion”.
“The special attention paid to the Armed Forces is primarily because the country is at war. The results of the survey clearly showed that the population supports the activities of the President of Azerbaijan on the military,” said the deputy chairman.
“Some 70.7 percent, that is, the absolute majority of respondents, consider the activities of the country’s President in the field of an army construction to be very effective. At the same time, 24.6 percent of respondents consider the activities of the head of state in this direction to be generally effective, 2.5 percent of citizens adhere to the opposite point of view. Effective activity in the field of army building acts as the main factor that determines the growth of confidence in the head of state. Thus, 82 percent out of the 24.6 percent of respondents who answered about the growth of confidence in the President, very positively assess the activities on the military; 27.6 percent of the 2.6 percent of respondents who reported a decrease in confidence also positively assess activities on the military,” said Mirbashiroglu. “The new challenges at the international and national levels, development goals make it necessary to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public administration. As an important decision in this direction, personnel reforms are always in the focus of the head of state. These reforms carried out by the President were assessed by 53.9 percent of the respondents as very effective, and 32 percent – as most effective, 6.5 percent of the respondents do not consider the personnel reforms to be effective. The personnel reforms implemented by the President also played an effective role in increasing confidence in him,” he noted. “Thus, 68.6 percent out of 24.6 percent of the respondents, who showed the increased confidence in the President, praised the personnel reforms.
Some 8 percent of the 2.6 percent of respondents who said about a decrease in confidence also assessed personnel reforms positively. At the same time, 81.2 percent of respondents, who consider the personnel reforms of the head of state to be very effective, also supported his initiatives in the fight against corruption. –Agencies