Azerbaijani, Armenian security heads meet

Moscow: Head of the State Security Service of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Ali Naghiyev paid an official visit to Russia, the official website of the State Security Service said on Wednesday.
Naghiyev visited Russia by the invitation of the Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia Alexander Bortnikov.
As part of the visit, Naghiyev met with Director of the National Security Service of Armenia Armen Abazyan, through the mediation of Bortnikov.
During the meeting, discussions were held in connection with the current state of fulfillment of obligations arising from the trilateral statement signed by the President of Russia, the President of Azerbaijan, and the Prime Minister of Armenia.
Moreover, within the norms of international humanitarian law, the sides discussed border security issues, the fight against terrorism in the Azerbaijani territories liberated from Armenian occupation, clarification of the fate of missing and captured persons following the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the establishment of burial places of bodies and exchange of prisoners, as well as other security issues of mutual interest.
In the course of the discussions, the officials noted the importance of organizing an appropriate communication channel for the exchange of information, if necessary.
Peace Keeping Efforts: earlier Tuesday, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar stated that Turkish government sent soldiers to Azerbaijan to join Russia’s forces at a monitoring center in Nagorno-Karabakh after Armenia and Azerbaijan inked a truce accord to conclude fights.
Akar said to commanders of the Turkish army through teleconference: “our staff went to Azerbaijan, and are ready there. One general and 35 of our officers will take office immediately after the construction of the joint center is completed and becomes operational.” –PNP