Azerbaijani diplomats expose Armenian lies

Baku: The Azerbaijani Embassy in Bulgaria gave a well-grounded decisive answer to the false fabrications of the Armenian embassy in Sofia, a source in the embassy told.
The Armenian embassy tried to misinform the Bulgarian public, distorting historical and legal aspects of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said the source. The representative office of the Armenia published “historical” assumptions and false conjectures about the creation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, alleged “requirements” of international law on this issue and groundless statements in connection with the provocation committed by the Armenian side on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border, the source noted. In response to this insidious and slanderous initiative, the Azerbaijani embassy in Bulgaria immediately contacted the relevant Bulgarian media and demanded featuring the position of the Azerbaijani side. For this purpose, an official letter was sent to the media, which, in contrast to the representation of the occupying country, exposed their insidious intentions were in a reasoned and well-grounded manner with references to historical documents, the embassy added. The vision of the Azerbaijani embassy regarding the distortions of Armenian side was published by, and news agencies. The embassy statement published in the Bulgarian media outlets said that on July 12, the Armenian armed forces attacked the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the direction of Azerbaijani Tovuz district with the use of large-caliber weapons and artillery. – Agencies