Azerbaijani Envoy highlights ‘French-Armenians’ atrocities

BAKU: Azerbaijani Ambassador to France Rahman Mustafayev gave an interview to local media regarding the crimes and terror acts of French citizens of Armenian and non-Armenian origin in the second Karabakh War.
Responding to a question about interference by French citizen in Karabakh conflict Mr. Rahman said “during September – October, we collected all the information that appeared in the French media and social networks about the participation of French citizens in the Karabakh war on the side of Armenia. In early November, we analyzed all this information together with our lawyers and prepared appropriate appeals to the national prosecutor for combating terrorism and the prosecutor of the country.
In these letters, we provided information about the legal and political aspects of the conflict, cited the facts of participation of French citizens in hostilities on the side of Armenia, and called on them to use the law and all legal mechanisms to punish offenders and prevent the illegal participation of French citizens in the war unleashed against Azerbaijan.
Recently, we received information from our lawyers that, by our request, on the basis of the relevant articles of the Criminal Procedure Code, the French prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation on suspicion of complicity in the commission of a criminal act”.
When he was asked regarding the laws French violated by taking part in second Karabakh War he replied “First of all, I would like to note that this court will decide whether the law is violated or not, while the preliminary investigation is underway. But we referred to the fact that, in our opinion, the articles of the French Criminal Code were violated, which stipulate that French citizens of Armenian and non-Armenian origin, specially recruited to “participate in the commission of coordinated acts of violence aimed at overthrowing the existing institutions of power and undermining the territorial integrity of states”, must be prosecuted.
This is 5 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euro. On question of possibility of French mercenaries punishment he said “Of course, there is. In any case, the investigation has begun. Moreover, the Armenians of France have already felt that their participation in the hostilities against Azerbaijan will have consequences. –Agencies