Baku, Ankara to establish 1st Hi-Tech Park in Karabakh

DM Monitoring

BAKU: The Innovation Agency under the Azerbaijani Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies has signed a memorandum on joint activities with the Turkish Technopark GOSB (Gebze Organized Industrial Zone), a source in the agency told.
According to the agency, joint seminars, trainings, and conferences will be regularly organized, and most importantly, a joint High-Tech Park will be established in Karabakh. It’s planned to conduct advanced ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ researches, as well as the production of high-tech devices in the park. A special platform will be created for the communication of young people and ICT specialists with each other, exchange of experience, and implementation of new ideas.
“In order to increase the level of technical knowledge and training of young specialists in Azerbaijan, it is planned to regularly implement acceleration programs, technology transfer programs, exchange of knowledge and experience,” the agency said.
‘GOSB’ is located in the Marmara region, one of the largest industrial regions of Turkey, and supports about 130 technology companies.
Following over a month of military action to liberate its territories from Armenian occupation, Azerbaijan has pushed Armenia to sign the surrender document. A joint statement on the matter was made by the Azerbaijani president, Armenia’s PM, and the president of Russia.
A complete ceasefire and a cessation of all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is introduced at 00:00 hours (Moscow time) on 10 November 2020.
Armenian Armed Forces launched a large-scale military attack on positions of the Azerbaijani army on the front line, using large-caliber weapons, mortars, and artillery on Sept. 27. Azerbaijan responded with a counter-offensive along the entire front.