Baku moves to protect heritage

BAKU: The Baku Network international analytical center with the financial support of a joint grant of the Baku International Center for Multiculturalism and the Council on State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of Azerbaijan has developed a website dedicated to the heritage of Caucasian Albania.
The website contains information about the history of Caucasian Albania, including the history of the Udins – the descendants of ancient Albanians, as well as the monuments of Caucasian Albania, such as the Khotavank monastery, the Amaras monastery, etc.
Albanians are an ancient people of southeastern Caucasia who originally inhabited the area of the modern republic of Azerbaijan north of the River Kur. In the late fourth century they acquired from Armenia the territory that now comprises the southern half of the republic.
the Albanians were a federation of twenty-six tribes, each originally having its own king, but by his time united under a single ruler. The people’s name for themselves is unknown, but the Greeks and Romans called their country Albania. The original capital of Albania was the city of Cabala or Cabalaca, north of the River Kur. In the fifth century, however, the capital was transferred to Partaw (now Barda), located south of the river. –PNP