Balochistan caretaker Cabinet takes oath

QUETTA: The caretaker cabinet of Balochistan took oath on Monday.
The swearing-in ceremony was held at the Governor’s House and Balochistan Governor Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar administered the oath to five ministers including Jan Achakzai, Amjad Rasheed, Dr Qadir, Captain retired Zubair Jamali and Prince Ahmed.
In addition to the secretaries, caretaker chief minister Ali Mardan Khan Domki also participated in the ceremony. After the swearing-in ceremony, Ali Mardan Domki said that the caretaker cabinet will have 14 ministers and soon the remaining caretaker ministers will take oath in the second phase. The caretaker CM stressed that steps were being taken to improve law and order
Balochistan interim chief minister Mir Ali Mardan Domki is actively engaged in consulting relevant authorities and senior colleagues to establish his caretaker cabinet, with reports about its formation in two phases. Reports indicate he has held discussions and interviews with a diverse range of individuals, including politicians, technocrats, and others interested in joining the interim cabinet.
During an initial phase, around 12 ministers will be inducted, followed by the addition of more ministers in the subsequent phase. Several political parties, including BAP, JUI-F, PML-N, ANP, and the Jam group, are striving to have their representatives appointed to pivotal ministries such as planning and development, finance, communication and works, irrigation, public health engineering, health, and agriculture.
Notably, the JUI-F and the Jam Kamal Khan group hold substantial influence due to their integral roles in Domki’s selection as interim chief minister. Sources believe the JUI-F is likely to secure three to four ministries as a recognition of sacrificing their strong candidate, Mir Usman Badini, for the caretaker CM position. Similarly, the Jam Kamal group is expected to lead important ministries. The list of potential cabinet members primarily comprises new faces, although some experienced individuals are also in consideration.
Names such as Prince Ahmed Ali Ahmedzai, Ramaeen Mohammad Hasni, Shakeel Durrani, Amjad Rasheed, Agha Umar Bangulzai, Sajid Dashti, Molvi Mohibullah, Jan Achakzai, Obaid Gorgage, Sardar Fareed Dummar, and Atta-ul-Haq are circulating for cabinet positions. Additionally, a female candidate will be included in the caretaker cabinet. –Agencies