Battle against organized crime ongoing

BEIJING: Procuratorates nationwide have taken solid measures to promote the long-term fight against organized crime and established prevention mechanisms for such crime, according to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.
The procuratorates were guided by the Law on Anti-organized Crime and firmly cracked down on any form of organized crime to prevent the resurgence of such crimes. From January to December last year, about 14,000 people were prosecuted for organized crime, a year-on-year decrease of 32.1 percent, according to the SPP.
In January 2018, the central authorities launched a three-year nationwide special campaign to fight organized crime. The crackdown continued after the campaign officially ended. In May 2022, the Anti-organized Crime Law took effect, giving greater legal clout to procuratorates. Miao Shengming, director of the anti-organized crime office of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and head of the first procuratorial office in the SPP, said that the report to the 20th Communist Party of China National Congress stated that important progress in the campaigns to combat and root out organized crime has been achieved, and the Peaceful China Initiative has entered a new stage, and procuratorates nationwide have comprehensively promoted the continued fight against organized crime.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item