Beijing 2022 reports surplus of $52 million

BEIJING: The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games made a 350-million-yuan profit ($52 million) after hosting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, according to a BOCOG financial report released on Saturday.
Having hosted what the report called a “simple, safe and splendid “Beijing 2022, the BOCOG revealed revenues of 15.39 billion yuan and expenditures of 15.04 billion yuan.
International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach, who is in Beijing on a five-day visit, announced that the IOC will contribute its share of the surplus of $10.4 million to the Chinese Olympic Committee and that this share is intended to support the development of sport in China.
“The truly exceptional Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 were a showcase for incredible sporting performances, they broke ground as the most gender-balanced Olympic Winter Games in history, and attracted record audiences,” said Bach.
“They gave a huge boost to international winter sports by engaging 346 million Chinese people, all of this despite a pandemic. Congratulations to the organizing committee of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 for this success and for delivering these Games with a profit even under extremely difficult circumstances. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item