Beijing asks Britain to stop interfering in Hong Kong

BEIJING: A spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian hoped that the International organizations will focus on developing peace and development World over.
Commenting on US’s proposal of postponing G7 summit here at a regular news briefing, he said China believes that all international organizations and conferences should be conducive to mutual trust between countries, multilateralism and world peace and development.
This is also the aspiration of the vast majority of countries in the world. Seeking a clique targeting China is not a popular move, and it doesn’t serve the interests of countries concerned.
About the recent statement US Secretary of State Pompeo about status of international students and researchers, Zhao Lijian Chinese students and researchers have been an important bond of friendship and bridge for scientific and educational exchange between Chinese and American people. The latest visa restriction on Chinese students and researchers was imposed by the US side under an abused concept of national security and flimsy excuses. It severely undermines their legitimate rights and interests and runs counter to the common aspiration for friendly people-to-people, especially youth-to-youth exchange. Taking a backward step like that will only bring harm to oneself and others, he added.
Replying to a question, Zhao Lijian said, China has made clear its principled position on issues relating to Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that allow no foreign interference. We hope the US will do more that is conducive to stability and prosperity in Hong Kong and development of China-US relations, he added.
China warned Britain on Wednesday that interfering in Hong Kong will backfire, after the former colonial power vowed to give sanctuary to locals who may flee the city if a proposed security law is passed. The United States and Britain have enraged Beijing with their criticism of planned national security legislation that critics fear would destroy the semi-autonomous city’s limited freedoms.
British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has further angered Beijing by suggesting that it had time to “reconsider” the plan, which could soon be enacted after the proposal was endorsed by China’s rubber-stamp parliament last week. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Beijing had lodged “serious representations” with London over Raab’s remarks, which “grossly interfered” in Hong Kong’s affairs.
“We advise the UK to step back from the brink, abandon their Cold War mentality and colonial mindset, and recognise and respect the fact that Hong Kong has returned” to China, Zhao said at a regular briefing. Zhao said London must “immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs and China’s internal affairs, or this will definitely backfire”.–Agencies