Beijing dismisses Indian contention over Diamer-Bhasha Dam project

-Lauds Senate resolution
-Says China will never forget Pakistan’s support to fight COVDI-19

BEIJING: China on Friday rejected the objection raised by India over construction of Diamer-Bhasha Dam and said economic cooperation between China and Pakistan was aimed at promoting economic development and improving the well-being of the local population.
“China and Pakistan conduct the economic cooperation in order to promote the economic development and improve the well-being of the local population,” Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said while responding to a question about construction of the dam durinisg his regular briefing here.
About Indian External Affairs Ministry’s stance, he said that China’s position on the issue of Kashmir was consistent. The spokesperson said the project was mutually beneficial and win-win for the two all-weather friends and strategic cooperative partners. Prime Minister Imran Khan had directed to immediately start construction activities of the dam after all issues related to critically important Daimer-Bhasha Dam, including settlement, detailed road-map for mobilization of financial resources, were resolved.
The Diamer-Bhasha Dam is a 4,500-megawatt project with an estimated cost of US$ 15 billion and would be one of the largest dams in the world after completion. The project, being termed as a positive stimulus for Pakistan’s economy, will not only create 16,500 jobs but also generate 4,500 MW of electricity. The project will also irrigate 1.2 million acres of agricultural land while extending the life of Tarbela Dam by 35 years.
A Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson on Friday highly praised a resolution unanimously passed by the Senate of Pakistan and said that China would never forget Pakistan’s support and medical supplies in a critical moment in its fight against COVID-19. “China appreciates the relevant resolution. Since the start of the outbreak, China and Pakistan have supported and worked closely with each other to jointly fight the virus. We will never forget that,” Zhao Lijian said while responding to a question asked by APP during his regular briefing held here. He said that in a critical moment in China’s fight against the virus, Pakistan poured in its domestic resources to help China with medical supplies.
The spokesperson said that China had also provided batches of grants to meet Pakistan’s needs, sent experts and mobilized all sectors of society to donate supplies and goods to help Pakistan battle the novel coronavirus.
“This again proves that China and Pakistan are true friends and good brothers sharing wheal and woes,” he added. He remarked that the virus knew no borders and races.–Agencies