Beijing gives shut-up call to West over fake claims

BEIJING: China refuted the criticism by some Western countries on its policies involving Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet, opposing interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of human rights and urging the relevant countries to take concrete steps to address their serious human rights problems.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks during a press briefing in response to Canada, on behalf of some Western countries, criticizing China at the 47th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
According to a press release issued by the ministry on Tuesday, Belarus delivered a joint speech on behalf of 65 countries, stressing that the affairs involving Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet are China’s internal matters, and the outside world should not interfere. The six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have sent a letter supporting China’s position, and more than 20 countries are ready to support China by making statements in national capacity.
Noting that the above-mentioned 90-plus countries have voiced their appeal for justice at the Human Rights Council, Zhao said this reflects what the international community is supporting and exposes the hypocrisy of a few Western countries in interfering in internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of human rights. “A handful of Western countries are eager to fabricate and peddle rumors about China and interfere in China’s internal affairs in the name of human rights with the aim of suppressing and containing China and hindering its development process,” said Zhao. “But, such attempts are doomed to fail.”
He added that China is determined to promote and protect human rights at home and safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests.
Pointing out appalling human rights violations by countries like Canada, the United States and Britain, Zhao advised them to take concrete measures to address their serious human rights problems, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms of international relations, and do good deeds for the sound development of the international cause of human rights.
In response to the international community’s concern about the human rights situation in the United States, Zhao said the United States has unscrupulously adopted double standards on human rights issues, and treated human rights as a tool to safeguard its hegemony and interfere in internal affairs of other countries. – Agencies