Beijing rejects Washington’s criticism on CPC

BEIJING: Chinese Foreign Ministry rejected the uncalled for USA’s criticism on Communist Party of China (CPC). A Ministry’s spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a news briefing, that for some time, several U.S. politicians including Pompeo has been making all kinds of lie to viciously attack the CPC, hype up ideological confrontation.
Pompeo and some other U.S. officials attacked the CPC on multiple occasions, saying the CPC is the biggest threat the world faces.
The spokesperson said, ” hysteria of Pompeo and his like will only rally the Chinese people’s greater support for the CPC and the Chinese government. According to surveys conducted by international authoritative institutions, the Chinese people’s satisfaction and trust toward the CPC-led Chinese government’s exceeds 90 percent, ranking the top among all governments across the world. As you see, this year, under the strong leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people stayed united and achieved strategic victory in fighting the virus. According to a Singaporean poll, the Chinese people’s satisfaction and confidence toward the CPC and the Chinese government has reached a historical high after this fight. The international community won’t be fooled by Pompeo’s lies, either. Not long ago, on the 99th anniversary of the CPC’s founding, more than 100 political parties across the globe sent congratulatory letters and messages to China. – Agencies