Beijing welcomes JCC’s outcomes

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BEIJING: Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Friday extended congratulations to the outcomes of Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) meeting of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and said that China was ready to work with Pakistan to earnestly implementing important common understanding and the outcomes of the meeting.
“I like to extend congratulations to the outcomes of this meeting. China and Pakistan are all weathers strategic cooperative partners. CPEC is a landmark and pilot program under the Belt and Road Initiative,” Zhao Lijian said during his regular briefing while commenting on the JCC meeting held via video link.
The JCC meeting was held via video link on September 23. Deputy Head of China’s National Development and Reforms Commission (NDRC), Ning Jizhe and Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Asad Umar co-chaired the meeting.
The spokesperson said that the two sides announced at the meeting the establishment of a joint working group on information technology, industry, signed a number of cooperation documents and announced the signing of cooperation agreements.
Since launch in 2013, the CPEC has achieved fruitful and remarkable results,” he added. Zhao Lijian said that China was ready to work with Pakistan to earnestly implementing important common understanding reached by leaders of the two countries, and the outcomes of the JCC meeting.
“We will stick to the One Plus Four cooperation model centering on CPEC and focusing on Gwadar Port, energy infrastructure, and industrial cooperation to increase the utilization rate of existing infrastructure,” he added.
He said that the both countries would highlight cooperation in health, green economy, digitalization, step up cooperation in industries, science and technology, agriculture, and people’s livelihood so as to view the CPEC into a demonstration program of high quality BRI development and contributing to closer, China, Pakistan community with a shared future in new era. According to the Deputy Head of China’s NDRC, the CPEC has reaped fruitful results over the past eight years, bringing a direct investment of US$ 25.4 billion to Pakistan and creating numerous jobs in Pakistan. “The all-weather strategic partnership between the two countries is as solid as a rock and rooted in the hearts of the two peoples,” he told the participants of the meeting.
He said at the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-Pakistan diplomatic ties, both sides should focus on CPEC construction through the construction of Gwadar Port, energy and infrastructure, and industrial cooperation while fully tapping the existing infrastructure.