Bereaved families of Journalists died from virus will get compensation in KP

PESHAWAR: Advisor to Chief Minister on Information Ajmal Wazir on Saturday announced one million rupees as a compensation amount for the bereaved families of those journalists who died due to coronavirus. Talking to media, he said the government has also set up 110 isolation centres for 3,000 patients of the coronavirus. He said 275 quarantine centres have been established having capacity of 1,800 patients across the province. The advisor said special attention is being given to protect the people from the coronavirus. He said the health staff including doctors, nurses and paramedics are the real heroes of the nation who are working on the frontline in this critical time. Friday, the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa announced to extend the public holidays from April 13 to April 18, 2020, as per a notification issued by the Relief Rehabilitation & Settlement Department. According to the provincial department, the notification to extend the holidays came in continuation to those prior ones on March 23 and April 3. However, the measures “shall NOT apply to essential services”, it added. As of Saturday, KP recorded 656 coronavirus cases with 25 deaths.