Biden pressed for $1.9 trillion Bill

DM Monitoring

WASHINGTON: Ten moderate Republican US senators urged President Joe Biden on Sunday to significantly downsize his sweeping $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package to win bipartisan support as Democrats in Congress prepared to push ahead with his plan this week.
Biden responded to the overture by inviting the Republican lawmakers to the White House this week for talks, spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, even as he continues to seek a comprehensive, large-scale measure. “With the virus posing a grave threat to the country, and economic conditions grim for so many, the need for action is urgent, and the scale of what must be done is large,” Psaki said in a statement.
Biden spoke to Republican Senator Susan Collins on Sunday, Psaki said, asking her and the other Republicans to come to the White House for “a full exchange of views.”
Earlier, a top White House economic adviser signaled willingness to discuss the ideas raised by the Republicans, who have floated a $600 billion alternative.
But Brian Deese, director of the National Economic Council, told NBC that the Democratic president was not willing to compromise on the need for a wide-ranging bill to address the public health crisis and economic fallout. Passage of the new relief legislation would not only affect Americans and businesses reeling during a pandemic that has killed about 440,000 people in the US but offer an early test of Biden’s promise to work to bridge the partisan divide in Washington.
It remained unclear whether the outreach by fewer than a dozen of the 50 Republicans in the 100-seat chamber would shift plans by congressional Democrats.