Biden should be held accountable

US President Joe Biden reiterated that the US is not “seeking another Cold War” during his speech delivered in the General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Tuesday. However, while he gushingly talked about some common challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change, he had shown an iron hand in a velvet glove by directing the spearhead at China. For example, in one section, he mentioned freedom of navigation, adherence to international laws and treaties, support for arms control measures to reduce the risk and enhance transparency, which are all in line with the long-standing US accusations against China and he justified the US provocations against China. Biden’s speech was a vivid demonstration of the hypocrisy of American politics. Of late, even its allies have been repeatedly learning from Washington’s selfishness and betrayal. As the US withdrew its troops from Afghanistan and formed a security alliance with the UK and Australia, Washington has twice sacrificed Europe’s interests. This has made Europeans realize that Biden’s approach and Donald Trump’s “America First” policy are basically the same thing. The so-called strengthening of the alliance is just an honorific plaque that the US has built for itself. The whole world now is talking about a “new cold war,” and even UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has expressed his concerns. Is this perception wrong? Of course not. It is the US that has caused all the changes and conflicts that give the global community such a strong impression that a new cold war is approaching. And it is US officials that have been doubted and questioned by the general public.To use a Chinese saying, Washington’s declaration of “no new Cold War” is like writing a sign that reads “No 300 taels of silver buried here” after literally burying them there. It just reveals what the US intends to hide. The Biden administration seems to know well that a cold war is bad and goes against the will of the people. Yet, they are now saying one thing but doing another. Washington keeps talking about competition and vowing never to engage in a “new Cold War.” This is to blame China for the formation of a potential “new cold war.” This way, it can take the moral high ground of opposing a new cold war to further mobilize the world against China. Let’s see what Washington is really doing: Whether it is conducting competition or confrontation, and whether it is pushing the world in the direction of a “new cold war.” First, politically, the Biden administration has continued the dichotomy which was heavily promoted late in the Trump administration, declaring that the China-US conflict is a confrontation between democracy and freedom on one side and “totalitarian autocracy” on the other. The Biden administration not only talks about “like-minded” democratic institutions, but also plans to hold an unprecedented “Summit for Democracy” in December, in an undisguised attempt to divide the world into the so-called democratic half and the “non-democratic” half.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item