Biden to visit Israel as Gaza toll crosses 2,800

GAZA: President Joe Biden will make a landmark trip to Israel in an “ironclad” show of US support, as efforts to ease a spiralling humanitarian disaster in Gaza intensified. Gaza authorities say more than 2,800 people have been killed in Israeli attacks since Oct. 7, around a quarter of them children, and more than 10,000 wounded are in hospitals desper-ately short of supplies.
The UN’s World Food Programme also said the food situation in the besieged Gaza Strip was worsening, with only four or five days of stocks left in the shops.
WFP said stocks were getting low in warehouses inside the Palestinian enclave, but at the shop level, the situation was even more acute. –Agencies
“The situation in Gaza is getting worse by the minute: the humanitarian situation but also of course the food security situation,” WFP’s Middle East spokeswoman Abeer Etefa, told re-porters at the UN in Geneva via video-link from Cairo.
“The current stocks of essential food commodities are sufficient for only two weeks — and that’s at the wholesalers’ level,” she said, with the warehouses located in Gaza City in the north of the territory and shops having difficulties replenishing supplies.
“Inside the shops, the stocks are getting close to less than a few days, maybe four or five days of food stocks left.”
Etefa said that out of five flour mills in the Gaza Strip, only one was operating due to securi-ty concerns and the unavailability of fuel.
“So the bread supply is running low and people are lining up for hours to get bread,” she said.
Only five bakeries out of 23 in Gaza contracted by WFP were still in operation, she added.
“Our food supplies within Gaza are running really short,” said Etefa.
The spokeswoman said there has been no looting of WFP warehouses, and “anyway, what-ever we have left in the warehouses is so little”.
‘Solidarity with Israel’
Secretary of State Antony Blinken described President Biden’s visit as a statement of “soli-darity with Israel” and an “ironclad commitment to its security”.
Biden’s visit will also seek to avert a regional conflagration with Iran, which on Monday warned of a possible “pre-emptive action” against Israel “in the coming hours”.
Repeated fire in recent days along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon has claimed lives on both sides and compounded fears of a regional spillover of the war.
Biden’s visit also comes amid frantic diplomatic efforts to ease the deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza after waves of brutal Israeli retaliatory air strikes on the enclave.
After Israel, Biden will travel to Jordan where he will meet Jordanian King Abdullah II, Pal-estinian leader Mahmud Abbas and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
Under relentless Israeli bombardment, thousands of Palestinians have died and interna-tional agencies warn millions more face dwindling supplies of water, food and fuel – even before a looming Israeli ground invasion.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli military leaders have signalled their intent to destroy Hamas and eradicate the threat it poses.
Tens of thousands of regular Israeli troops and reservists have amassed at the border wait-ing for the order to go in.
An Israeli military spokesman said it was unclear how Biden’s visit might change the timing of an Israeli ground offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
Several notable Hamas figures have already been killed in air strikes, including, on Mon-day, Osama Mazini, who the Israeli Air Force said claimed part of a top council and “re-sponsible for Hamas prisoners.”
The bombardment, coupled with an Israeli order to evacuate the north of the Gaza Strip that borders Israel, has forced more than a million Palestinians to flee their homes for the south of the enclave since the 10-day conflict began, according to the UN agency serving Palestinian agencies (UNRWA).
International aid agencies have called for aid to urgently be allowed into the territory, and for Gaza’s border with Egypt to be open to allow civilians to leave.
World Health Organization regional director Ahmed Al-Mandhari told AFP that Gaza was barrelling toward “real catastrophe”.
“There are 24 hours of water, electricity and fuel left” he said.
Washington has backed Israel’s right to strike back at Hamas, but it has also urged measures to ease the impact on ordinary Palestinians caught in the crossfire.
Speaking after marathon talks with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Blinken signalled there was no firm agreement yet on humanitarian relief.
But there was a “commitment” to work on a nascent plan ahead of and during Biden’s visit, he said.
“At our request, the United States and Israel have agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanitarian aid from donor nations and multilateral organizations to reach civilians in Gaza,” Blinken said.
He said the two sides were discussing the “possibility of creating areas to help keep civilians out of harm’s way.”
Blinken said the US president hopes to “hear from Israel how it will conduct its operations in a way that minimises civilian casualties and enables humanitarian assistance to flow to civilians in Gaza in a way that does not benefit Hamas.”
Israel has issued an ultimatum to more than one million people in northern Gaza that they should flee ahead of an expected ground offensive.
Entire families, young children and the elderly have packed what belongings they can to flee to the southern Gaza Strip, bedding down in any available space, indoors and out.
In the city of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza the normal population of 400,000 has roughly doubled.
Thousands more Palestinians have massed at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt in an effort to flee.
“The situation is catastrophic beyond what I could have imagined,” said Jamil Abdullah, a Palestinian-Swede who is hoping to leave after being forced to sleep on the street.
“There are corpses in the streets. Buildings are crashing down on their inhabitants. Blood is everywhere. The smell of the dead is everywhere.”
AFP reporters in Gaza said morgues were overflowing, and corpses wrapped in white body bags were even being stored in an ice cream truck.
But Gazans are effectively trapped, with neighbouring Arab nations fearful that if Palestini-ans leave the Strip they could be permanently exiled.
In Israel, about 500,000 people have been displaced or evacuated from communities around the Gaza Strip and Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, the Israeli military said Tuesday.
Hamas’s military wing has said the group was holding 200 people, with about 50 more held by other “resistance factions and in other places”.
A video on Hamas’ official Telegram channel purported to show “one of the prisoners in Ga-za” — a young woman speaking Hebrew and receiving treatment for an arm injury.
According to the caption, she was abducted on October 7.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that the entire Middle East region was “on the verge of the abyss”.
There are deep fears that the conflict could spread to the Palestinian West Bank or to Leba-non, drawing regional foes deeper into the conflict.
Israel on Tuesday said it had launched strikes overnight on Hezbollah “terrorist” targets in Lebanon.
Iran backs Hezbollah and Hamas, but has denied involvement in the October 7 attack.
It has warned Israel about the potential for the conflict to spread in the volatile region.
Western governments, including Germany whose chancellor heads to Israel on Tuesday, have urged Tehran not to fan the flames of the conflict.
“Lebanese officials have a responsibility… to do everything possible to prevent Lebanon from being dragged into” a war with Israel, France’s Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said in Beirut Monday.
But Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said “time is running out for politi-cal solutions”. –Agencies