Biden trips, falls during graduation ceremony

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden tripped and fell after handing out the last diploma at a graduation ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado on Thursday, but got up quickly and walked back to his seat.
The 80-year-old U.S. president fell forward, caught himself with his hands, then got up on one knee while helped by three people.
He walked back to his seat unassisted. After Biden was helped up, he pointed behind him, seeming to indicate that he had tripped over a sandbag used to hold the teleprompter in place. He mingled with other officials afterward, smiling and giving a “thumbs up” sign.
Upon returning to the White House, Biden joked to reporters, “I got sandbagged.” The fall came after a commencement address Biden delivered to a flag-waving audience, warning graduates they will enter service in an increasingly unstable world, citing challenges from Russia and China. –Agencies