Bilateral ties with Iraq

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has paid a three-day official visit to the Republic of Iraq during recent days. The purpose of Foreign Minister visit to the oil rich Middle Eastern State is to reinvigorate bilateral ties with brotherly Muslim Country. During the visit, SM Qureshi called on his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein, Iraqi Interior Minister Uman Al-Ghanimi and met with President of Iraq Dr. Barham Salih. Foreign Minister held in depth discussions with Iraqi leadership over the possibilities of bilateral cooperation in multiple fields including trade, commerce, agriculture, education, security, export of manpower, infra-structure development and capacity building. SM Qureshi said that Pakistan supports Iraq’s security and sovereignty besides acknowledging country’s sacrifices against terrorism. Presently, both countries Pakistan and Iraq were supporting each other at international level. Pakistan desires a meaningful cooperation with Iraq and assured Pakistan’s support to ensure Iraq’s food security. As Qureshi maintained that presently about 2 lac Pakistani pilgrims are visiting Iraq annually and government of Pakistan would announce a Pilgrim Management Policy for their facilitation. Foreign Minister appraised the Iraqi leadership about Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision for economic security in the region and that Pakistan had shifted its focus from geopolitics to geo-economics as the country desires a beneficial condition for all through peace, economic cooperation and connectivity. During the recent visit, both sides discussed different MoUs and agreements on cooperation frameworks in different fields to build bilateral partnership. The Pakistan Iraq bilateral relations had passed through several ups and down and usually remained at low par mainly due to Iraqi support to Baloch Nationalists during 1970s, however during first and Second gulf war Pakistan’s popular public support was with Saddam Hussain because Pakistani people saw him as Iraqi ironman against American occupational designs against the Middle Eastern State. However, Pakistan government stood neutral in both wars and insisted to resolve all issues through negotiations. After emergence of new political order in post Saddam Iraq, the ties between the two nations moved toward normalization. As reiterated by Foreign Minister SM Qureshi, Iraq has many historic and religious sites having great importance for the people of Pakistan and 2 lac Pakistanis are visiting Iraq annually and these numbers will rise with facilitation by both governments in coming days.
Beside it, Pakistan had supported Iraq during its fight against ISIS through military assistance, medical equipment, and intelligence sharing, which created a bond between the two countries. There were exchange of high-level delegations between the two countries during recent past. Presently, both countries are eyeing on building a strategic partnership in economic, trade and defence cooperation between them. Pakistan and Iraq have no territorial dispute and any other religious or sectarian saga between them therefore both want to forge a sustainable bilateral partnership. Pakistan can easily fulfill Iraq’s food requirement and Iraq can have its share in energy supply demands of Pakistan. Furthermore, Pakistan have sufficient latest military hardware including aircrafts, tanks, armed vehicles, and ammunitions which has great attraction for Iraqi Forces. The renowned Pakistani military training institutions also have great charm for Iraqi military to train its officers, pilots, and other crews in Pakistan.

After long stalemate, Pakistan and Iraq are heading to rebirth their bilateral relations. Presently, both countries have several potential venues to cooperate with each other and forge a win win partnership. Hopefully, these endeavors would be reciprocated by the Iraqi government and both countries will benefit each other through their resources, skill, and expertise in coming days.