Bilawal repeats call to end politics of hate

HYDERABAD: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Thursday reiterated the imperative to end the politics of hatred and division, asserting, “Unity leads to victory, not division”.
Speaking at the Sheikh Ayyaz mela [a public event] here, Bilawal acknowledged the presence of individuals promoting division and hatred, and stressed collective efforts to confront all these threats. The ex-foreign minister asserted that a united youth was the key to defeating those involved in divisive politics.
Voicing concern over prevalent oppression in Pakistan, Bilawal stated that the gravest injustice was not solely the loss of popular leaders, but also the suppression of history, culture and language.
The PPP leader called for a societal shift, encouraging a transition from a culture where youth wielded guns to one where they held pens, aiming to showcase Pakistan’s rich history and culture.
Bilawal, while recognising the progress made towards curbing extremist mindsets, cautioned against political parties labelling each other as traitors or infidels. Instead, he stressed the importance of collaborative governance, urging an end to political polarisation with the assistance of the masses.
About the global challenge of climate change, Bilawal proposed a comprehensive awareness campaign to tackle environmental concerns.
Bilawal also said that his party planned to initiate distribution of youth cards and establish youth centres in every district. –Agencies