Bill moved to hold Senate polls by show of hand

By Shakeel Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: Amendment bills regarding Senate Elections Act 2017, Civil Servants Amendment Bills on dual nationality, Criminal Bill on children sexual abuse, Technical Educational and National Database and Registration Authority Amendment Bill were introduced in the National Assembly on Tuesday.
Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri chaired the National Assembly session during which ruling party MNA Junaid Akbar proposed in the bill that Senate election should be held through show of hands rather secret balloting to eliminate corruption and electoral rigging.
Junaid Akbar proposed that vote would be honored and members should be elected on merit through show of hands vote proceeding in the Senate, adding that buy and sale of a member can be eradicated by this system.
Minister for Parliamentary Affair Ali Muhammad Khan supported the Bill and said that it is Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision to eliminate the buy and sale of vote in the assembly.
He appealed the opposition members to also support the amendment bill act of 2020 so that buy and sale of Changa Manga in the election for Senate could be ended. PPP MNA Jam Abdul Karim Bijar has introduced civil servant amendment bill on dual nationality in the assembly. He proposed that dual nationality holder will not able for government service. Government servants must have their stakes in the country in which they hold positions of authority, privilege and trust. It has been observed that such government servants hold dual nationality of foreign states, putting at stake the interest of the country of their origin and moment they retire, they leave the country to evade accountability. The treasury bench supported the bill.
PML-N MNA Kesoo Mal Kheeal Das presented the amendment bill of criminal procedure. He proposed that innocent children are being tortured and murdered. Punishment for such crimes have been provided under section 364A and 367A of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860, although the punishment provided are sufficient but such incidents are beyond the control of state, adding that there is a dire need to create deterrence in such people by hanging them publicly to set an example.