Bishkek braces sanitary compliance

Bishkek: Kyrgyzstan strengthened control over compliance with sanitary safety measures in entertainment facilities, including a ban on holding celebrations with a large number of people.
At a meeting of the Republican headquarters on COVID-19, specialized services conduct raids on cafes, restaurants and other entertainment facilities, the press service of the Kyrgyz government reported.
Prime Minister Kubatbek Boronov instructed to intensify the work in this direction, noting that recently the facts of various celebrations in cafes and restaurants have become more frequent.
“In general, with a decrease in the incidence in the republic, in some regions, high incidence rates are still observed. This indicates the insufficient work of local authorities with the population to comply with sanitary measures, including the prohibition of mass family events and celebrations. Many become infected with coronavirus precisely after visiting festivities, funerals. Recently, I have seen that some heads of local authorities have let go of the situation and relaxed. It shouldn’t be like that. Especially on the eve of the autumn-winter period, well-coordinated, operational work is needed. Our main task is to reduce the incidence rate, prevent deaths, and pay special attention to patients,” said Kubatbek Boronov.
Following the meeting of the headquarters, relevant state bodies were instructed to work out the issues of changing the procedure for the entry of foreign citizens into the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as to speed up construction work at medical facilities. – Agencies