Bishkek plans new anti-corruption strategy

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: The Secretariat of Kyrgyzstan’s Security Council, in close cooperation with independent experts involved, has developed a draft of a new State Strategy for 2021-2024 to combat corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic and eliminate its causes.
The document will be submitted to the upcoming meeting of the Security Council, Secretary of the Council Damir Sagynbaev reported Wednesday to Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov.
According to the press service of the Kyrgyz president, the secretary presented information on the preparation for the regular meeting of the Security Council, which will sum up results of law enforcement bodies’ work to combat corruption in the republic for two and a half years, and will consider and approve the draft of a new State Strategy to combat corruption.
Damir Sagynbayev noted the new strategy meets modern challenges and threats, provides for the introduction of new anti-corruption mechanisms aimed at systemic fight against corrupt practices in state bodies, and includes other innovations that strengthen the anti-corruption policy of the country.
“This draft law introduces effective anti-corruption mechanisms and significantly tightens control over expenditures and incomes of officials of all levels. With its adoption, our declaration campaign will be much more effective,” concluded Secretary Sagynbayev.
President Sooronbay Jeenbekov emphasized the new strategy should become the basic anti-corruption document of the country for the coming years, which will increase the revenue part of the republican budget, increase transparency and efficiency of the process of providing public services to the population and strengthen public confidence in the government.
Earlier, Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov held Tuesday an online meeting with Acting Director of the State Agency for Water Resources under the Government Abdybai Dzhailoobayev and Deputy Director of the State Agency for Water Resources Saipidin Momunov.
According to the press service of the Kyrgyz president, the progress made on projects on provision of clean water to the population, construction and rehabilitation of irrigation systems, and issues of water consumption accounting at reservoirs were discussed.
Acting Director of the State Agency for Water Resources Abdybai Dzhailoobayev presented information about construction works on 12 irrigation facilities in Batken, Osh and Naryn Oblasts this year. In the near future it is planned to start work on a large project – construction of the Maksat inverted syphon in Leilek region of Batken Oblast.