Bishkek prepares for possible second wave of Covid-19

Bishkek: Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov told about preparation for possible second wave of coronavirus pandemic.
“We were among the first who paid attention to the threat of coronavirus. In January we held a meeting of the Security Council and after the coronavirus outbreak we introduced an emergency and then a state of emergency. We were in quarantine for 2 months. It was especially difficult for our economy, as neighboring China closed its borders. Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan also closed their borders,” the head of state said in a regular interview with the state radio.
Sooronbay Jeenbekov noted that at that time the main task was to protect people from coronavirus, to teach them how to protect themselves from disease, how to behave, how to avoid infection. It took 2 months to train the medical staff.
Secondly, a big issue was also the provision of food to citizens.
“In two months, and for the next three months, the loss from the budget made KGS 28 billion, which is more than 15% of our budget. It was a huge loss. But the issue of the population’s health came to the first place,” emphasized the president.
The head of the state added that after the quarantine was lifted, the citizens continued to be informed that the danger had not yet passed and that the health of children and relatives should be taken care of.
“The first wave of the virus dealt a strong blow. The lack of medical staff was a big problem. We opened daytime hospitals and started to help the population. Volunteers and doctors joined us and external help came on time. To prevent this from happening again, we are building new hospitals and repairing the old ones. We are purchasing medicines to the State Material Reserves. Our doctors have already learned how to treat this disease. We cannot say that only the state is responsible. Every person should feel personally responsible. Everyone should be careful,” the president noted.
Sooronbay Jeenbekov emphasized that currently the disease is growing in Europe also, and therefore, there is need to be very careful and strictly punish those who do not follow the rules.
On the other hand, Yesterday, Oct. 3 in a regular interview with the state radio President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov told about results of his recent visits to Russia and Hungary.
The head of state noted that both visits proved to be useful and fruitful, and expressed confidence that their practical results would not be long awaited.
As it is known, the first working visit of the Kyrgyz president was to Russia.
“Russia is our closest, most reliable ally and strategic partner. We actively cooperate with Russia in all areas of cooperation, and Russia also has a similar approach and actively works with us in all areas of mutually beneficial relations. In Sochi, Vladimir Vladimirovich and I had a thorough conversation on many topical cooperation issues. The Russian president has always supported and supports all the issues we raise. He has a very warm attitude to our country and to the people of Kyrgyzstan. We had a good, detailed conversation on many aspects of cooperation,” Sooronbay Jeenbekov said.