Bishkek to ban mass gathering in pre-election campaigning

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: During the pre-election campaigning, there will be a ban on mass gathering of people, Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Kubatbek Boronov said during a news briefing.
According to him, requirements for holding congresses, kurultais (in Kyrgyzstan, it is a representative form of citizen participation in discussions and decision-making on issues of state and public importance) and other events are being developed.
“Compliance with these requirements will be under strict control,” the prime minister noted.
In particular, meetings with people’s participation will be limited to the number which is allowed today. It is also planned to limit the duration of such meetings, as being indoors for more than 2-3 hours increases the risk of coronavirus infection’s contamination.
Besides, Boronov said the Kyrgyz Government will ensure fair and transparent elections to the Jogorku Kenesh (Kyrgyz Parliament).
Kyrgyzstan’s parliamentary election will take place Oct. 4. Meanwhile, The League of Youth of Tajikistan will hold its extraordinary congress in Dushanbe on August 31. The congress will nominate a candidate to run for president.
District, city and regional organizations of the League of Youth of Tajikistan are currently electing their delegates for the upcoming congress, a source within the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda (CCER) told Asia-Plus in an interview.
Established on October 12, 1991, the League of Youth of Tajikistan is an independent socio-political union. It is headed by the head of the Committee for Youth and Sports’ Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan.
Along with the political parties officially registered in the country, the League of Youth of Tajikistan is empowered to nominate its candidate to run for president.
Recall, Tajikistan’s parliament has set October 11 as the date for the country’s next presidential election. The resolution on the election date was approved on August 6 during a joint session of both chamber of parliament.
To-date, of seven political parties officially functioning in the country, only the Agrarian Party has nominated its leader to Rustam Latifzoda to run in the presidential election.
The previous presidential election took place in Tajikistan on November 6, 2013.
Amendments made to the country’s law on election of the president, in particular, provide for lowering the minimum age to run for president from 35 to 30.
These amendments are based on constitutional amendments adopted in May 2016.