BJP wants to turn Kashmir into Hindutva valley: Mishal

RAWALPINDI: A protest walk and photo exhibition based on Indian atrocities were organized at Punjab Arts Council in connection with Youm-e-Istehsal.
The exhibition was inaugurated by Chairperson Peace and Cultural Organization Mishal Malik.
Addressing the ceremony, Mishal said that the extremist BJP wanted to turn the valley of Indian illegally Occupied Kashmir into Hinduism.
She said that the genocide of innocent Kashmiris had been going on for three years in Occupied Kashmir, and the cruelty of Occupied Kashmir has never been heard or seen in history.
“Fascist Narendra Modi and the Indian Army are turning Kashmiris into a minority in the valley by issuing domicile to six million Indian citizens in Occupied Kashmir,” she added.
Mishal further said that my husband Yasin Malik was kept in a death cell where his life was in danger.
The United Nations, Security Council, European Union and other international organizations were silent spectators to the human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.She said that the time was not far when India would have to account for its atrocities, adding the voice of Kashmiris and their struggle for freedom cannot be suppressed for long by repression.
In the end, she thanked Naheed Manzoor and Director of Punjab Arts Council Rawalpindi Waqar Ahmed for raising the voice for Kashmiris.
While speaking on the occasion, Naheed Manzoor said that the Indian govt had turned the valley into prison for three years.
While propagating Hindutva, the fascist Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took away their identity from innocent Kashmiris.
Since August 5, 2022, hundreds of occupied Kashmiris had been the target of the Indian army’s bullets and lost their blood in the Kashmir Liberation Movement.
Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmad said that Yasin Malik was not only a symbol of Kashmir but a symbol of peace and freedom in this region.The unilateral life imprisonment of Yasin Malik by the fascist Indian government was unconstitutional.
In the last three years, the Hurriyat leadership had put the ugly face of India in front of the world, he addedWaqar appealed to the international community to conduct a plebiscite in Occupied Kashmir following the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council so that the freedom movement in Occupied Kashmir could reach its destination. –Agencies