Black Day for Pakistan

EVERY year Sixteen December remember us the tragic incident of Fall of Dhaka, which took place about 49 years ago. There were several factors which contributed to the separation of East Pakistan. These factors slowly emerged after inception of Pakistan and commonly these feeling exist even between a pair of two brothers. It was nothing uncommon except the geographical distance between the two. Gradually with the passage of time East Pakistanis developed grievances because the Capital of the Country was away from them in the West Part. East Pakistanis used to think that all income of their cotton and Jutte went to the Capital which is in West Pakistan. On other hand West Pakistanis thought that Each year flood and heavy rain came in East wing and created financial issues for the Country and all savings or budget was being expanded on East Pakistan. Likewise, share in government jobs, Army and other institution varies in two provinces. These grievances were fueled by the Politicians for gaining public sympathies and getting their votes.
After 18 years of independence, these grievances of the people of East Pakistan took the shape of six points of Shaikh Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman. In 1969 Election, Awami League of East Pakistan got 167 seats all from East Pakistan while PPP got 88 seats all from West Pakistan. No party of either province could achieve a single seat in other province. This clearly shows the difference of thoughts and opinion of the people of the two parts. The problem was political, and it should be handled with political approach and justice, because injustice always creates more grievances and hate against each other. The winner of the Election was Awami League, it took double seats than PPP. If Awami League was permitted to form its government, the grievances of the East Pakistan were resolved, and the chances of single identity become more bright and strong. However, situation became worst when assembly meeting was not called by the President, the anti-West Pakistan sentiments got more fuel and agitation was started in East Pakistan. On the night of 25th and 26th March, crackdown was started against the leaders and workers of Awami League in East Pakistan. A large number of Bangali People migrated to India. India took full advantage of the situation.