Black Day observed to slam India for occupation of Kashmir


ISLAMABAD: Whole Pakistani nation along with Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over observed Black Day on Sunday to convey to the international community that they completely reject India’s illegal occupation of held Kashmir.
It was on this day in 1947 when Indian troops invaded Jammu and Kashmir and subjugated it in blatant violation of partition plan of the subcontinent and against the will and aspirations of Kashmiris.
This year’s day is of special significance as it is being observed in the backdrop of illegal and unilateral step of India to annex Kashmir on 5th of August.
The day highlights the 72 years of struggle of Kashmiris in their quest to right to self-determination.
President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and other leaders in their messages on the occasion have reiterated complete support to the just cause of Kashmiris in their alienable right to freedom from Indian occupation.
Several programs, including rallies and seminars, are being held throughout the country to express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir.
In capital Islamabad, documentaries are being played on large screens installed at key places in which Indian atrocities on innocent Kashmiris and the human tragedy unfolding in the territory is depicted. Stickers and banners of Black Day are pasted on public service buses and stops along with prominent places.
Pakistan National Council of the Arts has arranged a number of programs including a photographic exhibition depicting the plight of Kashmiris, and airing of two dramas titled ‘half widow’ and ‘curfew’.
The cellular phone companies have sent special messages on Black Day to their consumers.
Arrangements have also been made in all four provinces with banners, stickers and rallies to condemn the illegal occupation of India on Kashmir.
Pakistani missions abroad to organize events and engage with Pakistani Diaspora, local parliamentarians, think-tanks and other relevant people to highlight significance of the day and remind the international community of its obligation to use its influence over India to resolve this decades long conflict. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its missions abroad have also published editorials and opinion pieces in foreign press to highlight the critical state prevailing in Occupied Kashmir. Public and private electronic medias ran special transmissions to mark the day.
Meanwhile, in Occupied Kashmir, complete shutdown is being observed today to mark the Black Day, though a complete shutdown already exists in the occupied territory for the last 83 days.
All Parties Hurriyat Conference led by Syed Ali Gilani in a statement has asked the people of occupied Kashmir to march towards Lal Chowk of Srinagar, today and hold a sit-in protest to show the world that resistance of Kashmiri people does not need the means of telecommunications for their survival.
Agencies adds: Pakistan’s Foreign Office reassured its support for besieged Kashmiri people on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day, being observed on Sunday.
In a press release, the FO said: “On this day 72 long years ago, Indian forces landed in Srinagar to occupy and oppress the innocent people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) in a clear violation of international law and norms.”
On 5th August, the same India has endeavored to rob the people of IOJ&K of their last semblance of independence and autonomy by indulging in a shambolic, illegal fraudulence and by accepting to lead to a demographic change in occupied Kashmir, the FO added.
“For almost three months now, the Kashmiris have been prisoners in their own homes, aliens in their own land and unwelcome on their own roads. The whole IOK has been turned with a de-facto prison.”
The FO highlighted that despite Indian spin doctors best attempts, the world has taken notice. India has been called out, criticized and castigated by friend and foe alike.
The entire international media has come forth and called out India’s shame democracy and bogus egalitarianism in unison. “India should realize it cannot fool the world forever and that its tried and trite accusations of terrorism, while simultaneously being the principle perpetrator of it, have little import with the international community,” the statement stressed.
In-spite of the horrendous Indian atrocities and apathy on behalf of a large part of the international community, the brave people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir have demonstrated exemplary resilience and grit in the face of Indian aggression, it added.
“I would like to assure my Kashmiri brothers and sisters, that not only do we commemorate their exemplary grit and spirit on the occasion of the Kashmir Black Day. We also reiterate our firm and continued political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of IOJ&K in their grand struggle until they achieve their legitimate right of self-determination as per the United Nations Security Council resolutions.”
Our Multan Correspondent adds: On the other side, MULTAN: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Sunday said that India illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the international community has rejected Indian stance on Kashmir and media all over the world has
exposed Indian lies. Talking to media after inaugurating Abdul Hakim-Khanewal section of M-4 in Khanewal on Sunday, he said that India forcibly and illegally took over Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) 72 years ago on October 27.
The foreign minister said that the decision not to grant India’s request for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to use Pakistani airspace for his overflight has been made in view of the continued gross human rights violations in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, adding that the Indian High Commissioner was being informed of this decision in a written form.
Qureshi went on to say that the whole world is observing Black Day today to convey a joint message that they have rejected India’s illegal occupation of their homeland on this day in the year 1947 due to Modi government’s policies.