Blueprint to improve national health

BEIJING: China has unveiled its first five-year blueprint to improve the health of its residents through 2025, pledging to lift the average life expectancy by another year and make the public health network better able to respond to major outbreaks and other public health emergencies.
The plan, published by the General Office of the State Council, China’s Cabinet, on May 20, highlighted the importance of significantly ramping up national public health service capacities and improving the quality of medical services, including steps to control a number of major diseases.
One key measure is building up the national response to major outbreaks and public health emergencies, with steps to improve early monitoring, smart early warnings, quick response and efficient treatment.
Greater priority will be given to prevention. The government will work to curb the transmission of HIV, reduce incidences of tuberculosis and eliminate parasitic and key endemic diseases, the plan said.
Analysts said the blueprint marked the latest efforts by China to learn from its fight against COVID-19 and enable a better response to future outbreaks.
Liu Yuanli, executive dean of the School of Health Policy and Management at Peking Union Medical College, said the blueprint is of milestone significance as it seeks to integrate health in all relevant government policies.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item