Body cams distributed amongst Dolphin Squad

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Following the special directions of the Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the SSP Safe City distributed body cam among the officials of Dolphin Squad and briefed them about their usage.
The purpose of the body cams is to ensure the secure recording of conversations between police officials during interactions with the public. The focus is to reduce the crime rate and keep an eye on suspicious individuals and activities.
The Dolphin Squad personnel were instructed during the briefing to use these body cams while on duty so that the conversations during interactions with the public could be securely recorded. They were also informed that this initiative aims to reduce crime rates and monitor suspicious individuals and activities.
Furthermore, the officials were directed that no vehicle search should be conducted without the orders of senior officers and interactions with the public should be conducted courteously as well as maintaining a respectful attitude towards them.
Islamabad Capital Police is taking all possible measures to safeguard the lives and property of the citizens. Citizens were also requested to cooperate with the police and report any suspicious activity to their respective police station or dial “Pucar-15” helpline.