Body formed to resume Trade talks with Kabul

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Defence Khawaja Asif on Wednesday said, a joint committee comprising representatives from various political parties have been constituted to resume the stalled trade activities with neighbouring Afghanistan at two border crossings including Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan tribal district.
Speaking in National Assembly while replying to point of order raised by Mohsin Dawar, he said the two border crossing points including Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan tribal district were closed since the last two weeks due to tensions among various local tribes.The closure of roads has badly affected trading between Pakistan and Afghanistan, besides affecting economy of the area.
Consequently some tribesmen have blocked the roads leading to border crossings. He hoped that the joint committee would look into the problems being faced by the traders, ordinary people and resolve their issues by Friday.
He said the law and order situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was deteriorating as protest demonstrations were being held in various areas of the provinces against illegal activities of Taliban. He criticized provincial government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for brazenly receiving the key of 36 vehicles from the United States ambassador in Pakistan.