BOI schedules CPEC Investment Conference

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The Board of Investment (BOI), Pakistan is planning to organize ‘China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Industrial Cooperation Business to Business (B2B) Investment Conference on November 25.
The BOI, would organize a CPEC, Industrial Cooperation Business to Business (B2B) Investment Conference in Peshawar in collaboration with the KPBOIT, said in a press release issued here on Thursday.
The Project Director of PMU, CPEC Industrial Cooperation, BOI, Asim Ayub said that this B2B Investment Conference would focus on CPEC priority sectors, to facilitate cooperation and linkages between Pakistani and foreign businessmen and entrepreneurs.
He said that the conference also focused on academia with special focus on tourism, food processing, mines and minerals, construction (Infrastructure development) and others.
It was a platform where the BOI would facilitate matchmaking and handholding of Chinese and foreign companies with their Pakistani counterparts, he added.
He said that it was agreed that 9 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) would be established across Pakistan.
He informed that the PM’s Office, Board of Investment (BOI) and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China were assigned the task to further the process of bilateral cooperation under CPEC, with the objective of transforming CPEC into a true economic corridor by establishing special economic zones (SEZs) and business ventures in different sectors.Asim Ayub said the conference would also focus on marketing sectoral investment opportunities in KP under the ambit of Industrial cooperation under CPEC, to exhibit ready to launch products in different sectors.
The SEZs and other Industrial Parks of KP will also be brought into the spotlight.
He said that ”We are committed to create awareness about Pakistan’s investment framework and role of BOI being the convener of Joint Working Group of Industrial Cooperation under CPEC.”