Boris prepares to conclude Brexit deal

DM Monitoring

LONDON: Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday it was now time to prepare for a no-trade deal Brexit unless the European Union fundamentally changed course, bluntly telling Brussels that there was no point in talking any more.
A tumultuous “no deal” finale to the United Kingdom’s five-year Brexit crisis would sow chaos through the delicate supply chains that stretch across Britain, the EU and beyond – just as the economic hit from the coronavirus pandemic worsens.
At what was supposed to be the “Brexit summit” on Thursday, the EU delivered an ultimatum: it said it was concerned by a lack of progress and called on London to yield on key sticking points or see a rupture of ties with the bloc from Jan. 1.
“I have concluded that we should get ready for January 1 with arrangements that are more like Australia’s based on simple principles of global free trade,” Johnson said. “With high hearts and with complete confidence, we will prepare to embrace the alternative and we will prosper mightily as an independent free trading nation, controlling and setting our own laws,” he added.
Johnson’s spokesman said shortly afterwards that talks were now over and there was no point in the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier coming to London next week barring a change in approach.“The trade talks are over: the EU have effectively ended them by saying that they do not want to change their negotiating position,” his spokesman said.
Johnson’s brinkmanship, which follows an EU demand that London make further concessions, may push Brexit towards disorder, though he still left open the possibility that the EU could reconsider and offer Britain a better deal. “Unless there is a fundamental change of approach, we’re going to go for the Australia solution. And we should do it with great confidence,” he said.
A so-called “Australia deal” means that the United Kingdom would trade on World Trade Organization terms: as a country without an EU trade agreement, like Australia, tariffs would be imposed under WTO rules, likely causing significant price rises. The pound oscillated to Brexit news on Friday, dropping a cent against the U.S. dollar on Johnson’s remarks but then rising and then falling again on his spokesman’s comments.
Asked if he was walking away from talks, Johnson said: “If there’s a fundamental change of approach, of course we are always willing to listen, but it didn’t seem particularly encouraging from the summit in Brussels.”
“They want the continued ability to control our legislative freedom, our fisheries, in a way that is obviously unacceptable to an independent country,” Johnson said.
Before his spokesman declared the talks over, the EU said it was continuing to work for a new Brexit accord, dismissing Johnson’s no-deal rhetoric as hot air.
“The EU continues to work for a deal, but not at any price,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “As planned, our negotiation team will go to London next week to intensify these negotiations.” French President Emmanuel Macron said the EU’s 27 government leaders were united in their views about Brexit and had tasked Barnier to extend talks with Britain for two weeks.