BRI frames policy for post-pandemic

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BEIJING: A four-day virtual meeting, themed BRI frames sustainable policy solutions for the post-COVID world developed cooperative partnership to fight the virus on permanent basis, media reported on Wednesday.
The meeting, organized by Wilton Park, an executive agency of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of UK to be concluded on September 10.
Relative scholars and representatives from Pakistan also participate in the event. A total of 70 participants, including representatives from UNDP, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Resources Institute (WRI) and other international organizations, attended the meeting.
According to Wilton Park, BRI has rapidly become a landmark program for international infrastructure development due to its massive scale, speed, and range of international partnerships.
The focus of this dialogue is on BRI energy infrastructure investment in Southeast, South and Central Asia, covering projects such as electricity generation capacity, grids, and mini grids.
As a regionally focused breakout group in this sector, Pakistan is considered as a model nation which brings to fruition opportunities for green investment under BRI. Sara Ahmed, V20 Finance Advisor, V20 Secretariat, Climate Vulnerable Forum, listed the ‘shovel ready’ sustainable energy projects in Pakistan such as SK Hydropower Station, Dawood Wind Farm and Bahawalpur Solar Park.
He believed that they are sustainable development outcome brought by BRI to host countries.
Energy infrastructure investment is a critical component of the ability for BRI countries to meet the ambitions outlined by the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).