BRI to alter regional economies: DG China

By Our Diplomatic

ISLAMABAD: “BRI, with its financial and geographical scale, is the most important economic and developmental project of the 21st Century. Despite Covid-19, the Project is gaining impetus and 130 countries have joined the BRI project”, said Muhammad Mudassir Tipu, DG, China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan while chairing the 23rd Sustainable Development Conference (SDC) arranged by Sustainable Development Policy Institute. Lauding China’s efforts in containing Covid-19 and regaining its growth momentum, Muhammad Mudassir Tipu maintained that it was miraculous for China to contain the pandemic in a country of 1.4 billion people. The credit goes to the Communist Party of China, the Chinese leadership as well as the Chinese people. CPEC is a transformational project and is the flagship project of BRI; in the post Covid-19 period, Pakistan believes that CPEC and BRI will become the hub for regional trade and growth, he stressed. Sun Xiaohua, representative of All-China Environment Federation (ACEF), in his remarks said that during the 3rd China International Import Expo (CIIE), $72.6 billion was traded. BRI data platform has been established. China is contributing to environmental protection through Green technology transfer, academic exchanges and institutional cooperation.