Britain warns of possible attacks in Denmark

NEW YORK: Britain on Friday asked its citizens to be vigilant when travel-ling to Denmark due to possible attacks, following Koran burnings by anti-Islam activ-ists in Denmark and Sweden that have outraged Muslims.
Britain and the U.S. government have previously warned of possible attacks in neigh-bouring Sweden, which raised its terrorism alert to the second highest level on Thurs-day. “Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Denmark. Attacks could be indiscrimi-nate, including in places frequented by foreigners,” the British foreign ministry warned in an updated travel advice.
The authorities in Denmark have successfully disrupted a number of planned attacks and made a number of arrests, it added.
Sweden has also said it thwarted attacks after Koran burnings and other acts against Islam’s holiest text outraged Muslims and triggered threats from jihadists.
Earlier on Friday, Sweden’s government said it had tightened security at embassies and other missions due to an increase in threats against Swedish interests abroad.
Both Danish and Swedish governments have condemned the burnings and are con-sidering amending laws that could stop them but critics at home say such moves need to preserve freedom of speech that is protected in their constitutions. –Agencies