Buck-passing toxic to global anti-epidemic fight

BEIJING: The novel coronavirus is spreading into more countries. As the window of opportunity to stop it from becoming a pandemic is closing up, it is time to hold hands.
But some in the United States seem to disagree. Instead of joining the global fight, they are busy looking for someone to blame. China, unsurprisingly, became their primary target, in a renewed chapter of their long-running China-bashing game.
Over the weekend, U.S. Senator for Florida Marco Rubio blamed China for “putting the world at risk,” and attacked Beijing for lacking transparency and “necessary precautions at the onset of the outbreak.”
Other Washington politicians like U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and White House trade advisor Peter Navarro have also kept their China-smearing machines humming.
Those China-bashers should be reminded that finding fault with China does not help slow down the spread of the virus or cure struggling patients. Only forceful actions and robust international cooperation can.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Chinese government has acted in a rigorous, transparent and responsible manner to battle the deadly disease. So far, it has achieved steady and conspicuous headway in putting the epidemic under control. As a result, nations of the world have the chance to get better prepared.
Beijing is also working to resume domestic work and production in a meticulously managed manner so as not to risk a reversal in the anti-epidemic fight, and to mitigate possible impact on the global supply chains.
China’s measures may not be entirely suitable for others as different countries are facing different situations, yet they do offer some useful reminders for decision-makers, medical professionals and ordinary people worldwide who are also battling the disease.
Virus respects no borders. And it has been a global battle since the very start of the outbreak in this era of growing global interconnectivity. That makes international cooperation highly significant. Washington’s fearmongers can only sow divisions and mistrust, and stoke hatred. – Agencies