Built on equality and mutual trust

By Gong Tao

JOINT efforts of China and Angola to combat the novel coronavirus are a model for China-Africa cooperation
Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic, China and Angola have been working together to deal with the virus in a timely manner, offering firm support and assistance to each other.
The Angolan government and people from all walks of life have hailed China’s anti-pandemic measures under the leadership of the Chinese government. Thanks to the swift response to the public health emergency, China has contained the pandemic at home and played a notable role in the pandemic prevention and control in the global community.
In a letter sent to Chinese President Xi Jinping, Angolan President Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco highly appreciated China’s swift actions and contribution to the global pandemic response, reaffirming Angola’s support for China’s efforts in the battle against the novel coronavirus. Angolan ministers also expressed gratitude to China for its assistance and expressed their willingness to cooperate in this regard.
To help people in Africa fight against the virus, Angolan students in China shared their experience about pandemic prevention through TV channels, which won a like from President Lourenco on Twitter. Cheering for China, the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce organized themed events, and students at the Confucius Institute of Agostinho Neto University wrote messages and produced videos to express their sympathy and support, indicating the friendship between the two peoples.
To quote a line from The Book of Songs, an ancient Chinese anthology of verse: “You throw a peach to me, and I give you a white jade for friendship.” The Chinese government has donated medical supplies for pandemic containment through the Organization of African First Ladies for Development.
Angola also received thousands of kits from the Jack Ma and Alibaba foundations. The Chinese government also guaranteed the Angolan government’s purchase of anti-pandemic materials in China and their transport to Angola. In addition, Chinese enterprises and overseas Chinese in Angola have helped local people with donations and the construction of an emergency hospital.
Besides holding a videoconference to share its experiences and practical measures, the Chinese government also sent medical experts to Angola to guide local people in combating the pandemic. To improve the testing capacity, China’s Shenzhen BGI Group launched the Angola Fire Eye laboratory project, providing 12,000 nucleic acid tests each day. The two countries have cooperated in assisting those who have faced difficulties in diagnosis and medical treatment.
This year marks the 37th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of their strategic partnership. Along with developing bilateral ties, the two countries have given strong support to each other’s core interests, safeguarding the United Nations’ position in the international system and multilateralism. In terms of economic and social development, their cooperation has enhanced developing countries’ overall strength and contributed to world prosperity and stability.
During his visit to China in October 2018, President Lourenco said that Angola and China had maintained close high-level exchanges, which shows the two sides attach great importance to their relations. “It is hoped that cooperation between Angola and China will become a model for Africa-China cooperation,” he said.
At a joint panel discussion attended by national political advisers from the economic sector on May 23, President Xi stressed steady progress in creating a new development pattern where domestic and foreign markets can boost each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay. Angola needs China’s economic development assistance, while China’s progress is inseparable from cooperation with other countries, such as Angola.
China has become Angola’s largest trading partner for consecutive years, accounting for over half of the latter’s foreign trade, as well as being the largest source of direct investment. Chinese companies have participated in the infrastructure construction as a major partner of Angola, building railroads, ports, electric power facilities and schools. At the same time, Angola has been one of China’s most important crude oil suppliers for many years. Despite the ongoing pandemic and other factors, their complementary economic and trade cooperation enjoys a solid foundation with broad development prospects in the long term.
In the future, China and Angola will further enhance their new strategic partnership featuring equality and mutual trust in politics, win-win cooperation in the economy and mutually enriching cultural exchanges. Meanwhile, with the emphasis on structural adjustment, they will continue to advance the Belt and Road Initiative and increase economic and trade activities.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item