Cabinet rules out possibility of any US base in Pakistan

-American media say US continues to focus on Pakistan for a military base
-Okays appointment of Tariq Malik as NADRA Chief
-Approves procurement of 500 EVMs

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain on Tuesday ruled out the possibility of any military airbase of the United States (US) in Pakistan as all such facilities were under its (Pakistan’s) own use.
It was the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), which after coming into the power, ended ‘drone surveillance’ facility (given to the US in the past), Fawad said while briefing media persons about the decisions taken in the Federal Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
“All the airbases are under the use of Pakistan. Right now, no negotiations in this regard are underway as Pakistan cannot give any airbase [to any country],” he said while pointing out the policy statement given by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi in the Senate.
The New York Times reported on Monday that the United States continues to focus on Pakistan for a military base in the region, although some American officials believe the negotiations have reached an impasse for now.
The US intelligence agency CIA did use a base in Pakistan to launch drone strikes against militants but “was kicked out of the facility in 2011, when US relations with Pakistan unraveled,” the report adds. “Some American officials (told the newspaper) that negotiations with Pakistan had reached an impasse for now. Others have said the option remains on the table and a deal is possible,” the report explains.The federal cabinet also gave a go-ahead to the appointment of Tariq Malik as National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) chairman.
Mr Chaudhry said the cabinet approved the Ministry of Interior’s summary regarding the appointment.
He said that the meeting endorsed the cabinet committee on privatization’s May 21 decisions and approved a Corona relief package for Tajikistan to help it fight the pandemic. Besides, he added, the cabinet also approved recording national anthem afresh in modern vogue.
The minister said the government wants to give overseas Pakistanis the right to franchise and expressed concern over the PML-N’s opposition to the proposal. We are waiting for PPP’s response in this regard to finalise the legislative procedure, he added.
He said the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) conditions vis-à-vis the use of electronic voting machines (EVMs) have been fulfilled. We are going to place an order for procurement of 500 EVMs for their trials in the elections of bar councils and press clubs, Fawad announced.
Fawad said that the railways system needs to be fixed but it cannot be done in two or two and a half years’ time. He said the incident of Canada vindicates Prime Minister Imran Khan’s reservations regarding rising trends of Islamophobia in the West.
Condemning the incident, the cabinet stressed on western countries to take immediate steps to root out the major cause of Islamophobia.