Canada contributes 65m to Global COVID Fund

OTTAWA: The Global Fund applauds the government of Canada for allocating CAD 65 million to the Global Fund’s efforts to support low- and middle-income countries to fight COVID-19, including procuring and deploying millions of COVID-19 rapid diagnostics tests as well as reinforcing health systems.
The allocation is part of the CAD 120 million commitment made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in June 2020 to the ACT-Accelerator – a groundbreaking global coalition to accelerate the development, production and equitable access to new COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines. The contribution to the Global Fund was announced today by the Honourable Karina Gould, Canada’s Minister of International Development.
The Global Fund sees the new contribution as a fundamental step towards enhancing the fight against Corona while securing the gains made against HIV, TB and malaria. “We are tremendously grateful to Canada for its steadfast support for the Global Fund,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “With this new investment, Canada is once again showing its leadership as an unwavering champion for a more just world where no one is left behind, and where everyone has access to disease prevention and treatment services.”–PR