Capital Cops guide diplomats lost during hike

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops successfully traced two foreign diplomats who lost their way during hiking at Margallah way after efforts for hours, police said.
According to details, Capital Cops got information through Control Room that two diplomats including Second Secretary and Female Attache of Hungarian Embassy went at trail VI at 7 am and did not return. Following this information, IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar directed DIG Operations Waqar-ud-Din Syed to trace the missing diplomats. He constituted special team under supervision of SSP CTD Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanveer including SP Saddar Sarfaraz Ahmed Virk and others.

The team searched the diplomats for hours at Margallah Hills and succeeded to safely recover them. DIG Operations and SSP CTD also visited trail VI and met with the diplomats who thanked the cops for efforts in their hunt.
IGP Islamabad has appreciated the cops’ performance and announced cash prizes and commendation certificates for the members of the entire police team.