Capital Cops launch Voice for the Voiceless to recuperate abandoned animals

By U. Zee

ISLAMABAD: The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, has decided to launch the initia-tive “Voice for the Voiceless” for the treatment and rehabilitation of the abandoned, injured, and sick animals.
In this regard, the Islamabad Police DIG Headquarters Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanveer and Zulfishan Anushay from JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter Organization have signed a memorandum of under-standing (MOU), under which the Islamabad Police is going to set up Police Animal Welfare Services (PAWS).
The primary goal of this initiative is the welfare of homeless, retired, and non-serviceable animals, whether they belong to government or private institutions.
The project includes establishment of a shelter home, a pet cafe, and a pet hotel for these animals, where citizens who travel or go on long journeys can avail these facilities for their pet; where the best care of these animals will be ensured through professional caretakers.
Moreover, this center will be built on most modern lines and international standards. Under PAWS, a K-9 mission will also be organized for the K-9 unit dogs of Islamabad Police, where, after retirement, these dogs will be handed over to citizens for complete care. Further assistance will be sought from other animal welfare organizations as needed.
On this occasion, the IGP Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi said that this initiative is genuinely a voice for the voiceless and its echo should reach the entire world through the message of love and care for the animals as an important component of the environment, nature and human life.
He further said that animals that retire after serving in any force should not be put down; instead, their complete care should be ensured.