Capital Cops’ proactive strategy results against crime reduction

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Under the command of IGP Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, Islamabad Police is tirelessly working day and night to combat criminal elements and ensure the protection of citizens’ lives and property in the federal capital.
Due to the proactive crime prevention strategy of Islamabad Police, there has been a 44% decrease in crime rates yesterday compared to the year 2023 in the federal capital.
Additionally, no incidents of robbery, car, or motorcycle snatching reported yesterday. There has also been a 50% reduction in snatching/robbery compared to the same day of the year 2023.
In this regard, IG Islamabad said that the recent reduction in crime is the result of Islamabad Police’s excellent strategy.
Islamabad Police is working 24/7 to protect the lives and property of citizens.
He further added that the decrease in crime has been possible due to the cooperation of the citizens. Citizens are urged to report any suspicious activity to “Pucar-15” helpline and via ICT-15 app.