Capital is fast regaining its diminished beauty: CDA

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: With massive plantation on amended beds, roads well marked and fully functional street lights, the federal capital is fast regaining its diminished beauty.
Everywhere across the capital city, the staffers of the Capital Development Authority are seen redoing the flower beds, painting the medians and marking and trimming the haphazardly grown trees.
The new CDA management is putting all its efforts to revive the distinction of Islamabad – The Beautiful which otherwise had been lost to the blithe lack of concern by the previous civic administration.
Capital Development Authority (CDA) Chairman Amir Ali Ahmed said that the authority making all out efforts to restore natural beauty of the capital city by utilizing its available resources.
CDA chairman said that the authority is taking steps to restore the basic structure of the city.
Infrastructure of the whole city will be restored with in few months. CDA is committed for providing best facilities to the citizens by restoring the natural beauty of the city, he added. He said CDA has initiated a number of projects regarding restoration of infrastructure, beautification of the city, and other developmental works.
Department of Sewerage and Sanitation has been directed to ensure the cleanliness of all the gutters and main holes in the city.
Best sanitation services should be provided to the citizens. There will be no compromise on cleanliness. Chairman directed the department of street lights to restore all the street lights of the city within two months. He asked the environment department to upgrade the parks, cleanliness at green belts, and to plant more saplings for enhancing the beauty.