Car bomb explosion kills 8 in Syria

Middle East Desk

DAMASCUS: Eight civilians were killed Sunday by a car bomb explosion in a rebel-held area in the northeastern province of Hasakah, state news agency SANA reported. Women and children were among those killed when the car bomb went off near a marketplace in the city of Ras al-Ayn, which is controlled by the Turkish forces and Turkey-backed rebels in the countryside of Hasakah, said SANA.
It added that that many people were wounded in critical conditions. In June, two children and three civilians were wounded by a car bomb explosion in Ras al-Ayn. SANA said areas under the Turkish control in northern and northeastern Syria live in a state of lawlessness amid rebels’ infighting. Turkey took control over Ras al-Ayn and other areas in northern Syria following a military campaign against the Kurdish forces in Syria in October of 2019.
Ankara has blamed explosions that killed and wounded dozens of people in northeast Syria in recent months on Kurdish fighters linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.