CDA achieves revenue targets in 1st quarter

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Capital Development Authority (CDA) has successfully achieved the revenue target for the first quarter of financial year 2020-21. Revenue target for the year 2020-21 is Rs2000 million out of which CDA has collected revenue amounting to Rs.989 million in the first quarter of current financial.
In order to facilitate the residents of the city, CDA management had directed the Revenue Directorate to make efforts for facilitating the residents in paying their taxes. In line with instructions of CDA management, an online tax payment system is being introduced which will be functional shortly. Through this system, residents of the city will be able to pay their taxes online. The system will not only help save precious time of the residents but will also help reduce their difficulties particularly faced during the rush of work.
Once cash strapped, CDA started gradually gaining financial stability since last one year and now due to effective policies and confidence of the general public in these policies, authority is excelling on the path of financial stability.